General FAQ's

The International Conference of Pharmacy and Medicine (ICPM) is a prestigious gathering that brings together professionals, researchers, educators, and students from the fields of pharmacy and medicine. It serves as a platform for sharing knowledge, fostering collaboration, and advancing innovations in pharmaceuticals and healthcare.

 ICPM welcomes participation from individuals across various sectors, including but not limited to pharmacists, medical practitioners, researchers, academics, students, policymakers, and industry professionals. Whether you’re a seasoned expert or a newcomer to the field, there are opportunities for learning, networking, and engagement at ICPM.

 ICPM covers a wide range of topics relevant to pharmacy and medicine, including pharmaceutical research, clinical practice, regulatory affairs, patient care, drug development, healthcare policy, and more. Sessions may encompass presentations, panel discussions, workshops, and poster presentations, addressing both clinical and academic perspectives.

If you’re interested in presenting your research or insights at ICPM, you can typically submit an abstract through the conference website during the designated submission period. Abstracts undergo peer review, and accepted presenters are notified accordingly. Specific guidelines and instructions for abstract submission are typically provided on the conference website.

The International Conference of Pharmacy and Medicine (ICPM) is a prestigious gathering that brings together professionals, researchers, educators, and students from the fields of pharmacy and medicine. It serves as a platform for sharing knowledge, fostering collaboration, and advancing innovations in pharmaceuticals and healthcare.

If you’re interested in presenting your research or insights at ICPM, you can typically submit an abstract through the conference website during the designated submission period. Abstracts undergo peer review, and accepted presenters are notified accordingly. Specific guidelines and instructions for abstract submission are typically provided on the conference website.

 ICPM welcomes participation from individuals across various sectors, including but not limited to pharmacists, medical practitioners, researchers, academics, students, policymakers, and industry professionals. Whether you’re a seasoned expert or a newcomer to the field, there are opportunities for learning, networking, and engagement at ICPM.

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